Monday, June 14, 2010

Meet Eastlyn

Where to start off. This is my VERY VERY VERY good friend Eastlyn. It's like we've known each other forever, even though we have only known each a few years. She's that friend that every girl needs/wants to have. She's sooo incredibly beautiful from the inside out (that's the honest truth). I have never met anyone that knows Eastlyn that doesn't love her. She's such an amazing young, Godly, lady. She's soo fun and laughs alot, which I adore. She's so mature and is very just, all around, awesome. She always knows how to cheer me up and give me good advice whenever needed. She's has never turned me down when I need to talk or vent (LOL). We both say "LOL"!..I can't not do it haha). She knows when to speak her opinion and when not too (I am still learning that one). She is a very good example to me. You can tell she has a very close relationship with God by how she represents herself. She has a very tender and loving heart toward everyone. Even people that aren't kind to her. She always thinks highly of people. I can't remember me and her ever getting into a argument. We get along too well. She encourages me soo much to just fight on, even when things don't go my way. I can't even tell you how many times she's been there for me. People sometimes take friends for granite, which is soo sad because friends are people you choose to spend your time with. Your not forced into, its a choice. Friends influence your life more then you can imagine. Eastlyn was deffinetly sent from God to be my best friend. I am forever thankful you her!!!!!!! Please comment if Eastlyn has touched your life somehow. Let's show her how loved she is. I love you Eastlyn. Thank you for being you!!!!! :)

Ok, with that said here are some AHHhh..mazingly beautiful pictures of her. She's soooo stunning! Shhheee iissss sooooooo GORGEOUS!!! and Lovely!!!! and Beautiful!!! and...well, you can see for yourself.

This is Eastlyn.


Soo pretty when your serious lol



LOVE it!




Love these'

Eastlyn with her violin. She's awesome with it!

Is she gorgeous or what??


Her beautiful smile! This is really Eas!!





Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful! I love the one where she is playing with her hair, so Eastlyn! She is a very sweet and godly girl!

Anonymous said...

Her life lives out Matthew 5:16. A very special lady that God has blessed all our lives with.

Your pics r awesome lydia


Anonymous said...


I love you SO much <3. I was so happy and blessed with how you described me;) you are such a precious friend, and can never be replaced.

You understand me, and love me, and you are always there for me to encourage me when I am down. You always have the right thing to tell me and make my heart happy.

Sometimes I feel bad; like I drag you down... but you are so patient with me and always reassure me:)

You would do anything for me and I know it!

I thank the Lord for you everyday:)I thank the Lord for giving me a friend in whom I can have sweet fellowship and unity in the Spirit. The Lord knows what we need and he brought you into my life for such a time as this...

How precious you are in my heart <3.

You are absolutly radiant- inside-out! Keep shinning for Jesus Lydia!

love you,

Anonymous said...

YES! We all love you are a jewel in His hand and are truly shining for His glory! I love you!

© Photography by Lydia
CoffeeShop Designs